Day 2 This morning, I woke up at 04.30 and pray shubuh as always. I thanks to god for every single things that he given to me and to be here as one of the pre-teacher students. I tidy my bed and take a bath. I also have my own food that I bring from Indonesia so I eat it as my breakfast. I and Grace will went to the airport with Mrs. Dena as we planned. At 08.00 o’clock, we went to Mrs. Dena’s office room to met her, but she didn’t come yet. So I and Grace decided to go to the library and used the Internet there, because there is no internet connection in our room. I call my mom and my sister to inform that I already arrived in Philippines and told them the story and all of the things that happened in the airport. At 09.00 o’clock, we go to Mrs.Dena’s room to checked if she already came, but the security said that she still not in there. So we just waited for her in her office. After ten minutes ago, she came and asked about our night in RCI and we told her that we were so...
Day 3 This day was our welcoming ceremony. As always, I waked up at 04.30 to pray Shubuh. After tidy my room and clean all of my stuffs, I took a bath. I be the first one to took a bath because all of my roommate were still sleeping. After that I woke Grace up. I ironing my white shirt, black skirt, my university jacket and also my black hijab. Because there’s just one toilet in our room so that’s why we must queued to took a bath. After I finish to dressed up, I have my breakfast together with my other roommates and talk about everything. We stayed in our room until 09.00 o’clock. We still waiting for the information about our welcoming ceremony. One of my roommate already fall asleep. I decided to went to Mrs. Dena’s room and asked her about the welcoming ceremony. When I arrived in her room, I didn’t meet Mrs. Dena but her secretary brought me to the other room, and I think that place is the place where the welcoming ceremony will be held. So I backed to my room and told everyon...
Day 24 This day is Buan Ng Wikang celebration. So we went to the school hall to see the celebration of Buan Ng Wika handled by the elementary school. In that celebration, Diu, Ying, and Jam performed their traditional dance. After that, we went to the college to see their celebration of Buan Ng Wika. After the college celebration finished, we went to the teacher's office to have lunch together. After having lunch, we went back to our room. About 16:00 in the evening, Mrs. Louisa, Sir Angel, and Sir Georgio asked us to go to Leonardo in Antipolo City. So we prepared ourselves then go. Because of the traffic, we arrived in Leonardo around 17:00 in the evening. Leonardo is a very nice place. In there, we can see all of Metro Manila from top. We had so much fun there. We took lot's of pictures, we had dinner together, we did karaoke together. I sing so loudly and we have our own disco lamp that made by Amir with his phone. We sing all of the song that we want, and dance attractiv...
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